Picking the Right Cigar - Process of Elimination
Let’s say you’re new to cigars or have been smoking the same cigar for a while, and now want to explore other cigar options. From the endless possibilities of cigar choices, which ones do you pick without wasting your time and money?
I strongly suggest visiting your local cigar store, where most likely you’ll get good advice from a knowledgeable owner, manager or employee. If you don’t have this option and you would like a do-it-yourself alternative here on this Web site, then read on.
I’ll limit the answer choices to a minimum to simplify the process, but this will nonetheless be a useful method to pick a well-suited cigar.
Answer the following three questions. Then see the cigar choices matching your answers.
Do you prefer mild-to-medium or medium-to-full bodied cigars?
Is your budget per cigar $10 - 15, $15 - 20, or $20+? (
For simplicity, do you prefer average sized cigars, such as a robusto (average size 5x50) or a toro (average size 6x50)?
Here we go.
Mild-to-Medium, $10 - 15
Sinistro Cigars - Mr. Desflorado
Mild-to-Medium, $15 - 20
Hiram & Solomon Cigars - Entered Apprentice
Medium-to-Full, $10 - 15
Sinistro Cigars - Last Cowboy Barberpole
Medium-to-Full, $15 - 20
Arturo Fuente - Hemingway Series