Picking the Right Cigar - Process of Elimination

Let’s say you’re new to cigars or have been smoking the same cigar for a while, and now want to explore other cigar options. From the endless possibilities of cigar choices, which ones do you pick without wasting your time and money?

I strongly suggest visiting your local cigar store, where most likely you’ll get good advice from a knowledgeable owner, manager or employee. If you don’t have this option and you would like a do-it-yourself alternative here on this Web site, then read on.

I’ll limit the answer choices to a minimum to simplify the process, but this will nonetheless be a useful method to pick a well-suited cigar.

Answer the following three questions. Then see the cigar choices matching your answers.

  1. Do you prefer mild-to-medium or medium-to-full bodied cigars?

  2. Is your budget per cigar $10 - 15, $15 - 20, or $20+? (

  3. For simplicity, do you prefer average sized cigars, such as a robusto (average size 5x50) or a toro (average size 6x50)?

Here we go.

Mild-to-Medium, $10 - 15

CLE Cigars Connecticut

Kristoff Shade Grown

La Aroma De Cuba Connecticut

Rocky Patel Vintage 1999

Sinistro Cigars - Mr. Desflorado

Mild-to-Medium, $15 - 20

Ashton Classic

Hiram & Solomon Cigars - Entered Apprentice

Rocky Patel White Label

Medium-to-Full, $10 - 15

Aladino Corojo Cigars

Arturo Fuente Rosado Sungrown

Brick House Cigars

CAO Cigars Bx3

Casa Cuevas Reserva Maduro

CLE Cigars Habano

El Baton by JC Newman

La Aroma De Cuba Mi Amor

Nat Cicco 1965 Aniversario

Sinistro Cigars - Last Cowboy Barberpole

Medium-to-Full, $15 - 20

Aladino Cigars - Fuma Noche

Arturo Fuente - Hemingway Series

Ashton Cigars - VSG

A Bronx Tale - Calogero

Eiroa Cigars - CBT Maduro

Garo Cigars - Los Lectores

Hiram & Solomon Grand Architect

Joseph NicaVana Mesmerize Maduro

Sarkis Ekshian