S.T. Dupont Lighter Refill Adapter
If you own a S.T. Dupont lighter chances are you have been in a situation where your lighter ran out of fuel and you had no immediate way of refilling it. As you know, the traditional way of refilling your Dupont requires a special refill capsule that you have to buy from a specialty store - each capsule costing you upwards of $10 for a single refill.
About 10 years ago a very clever individual started designing and manufacturing a very useful device which enables you to refill your Dupont lighter with a standard butane canister. It's a refill adapter made out of brass and it incorporates a precision valve inside the unit that enables the butane gas to flow into the fuel compartment and not out. It is threaded, so you just gently screw it into the refill compartment of the lighter much like you would with a traditional refill capsule and simply pump some butane into it.
As shown in the following video, it is a simple process. You can purchase this adapter right here at Robusto.com for a mere $32.95 (plus a couple of bucks for shipping). One adapter is all you need for a lifetime of refueling your Dupont lighter. And there is no need for me tell you that your Dupont will literally last you a lifetime, unless, of course, you lose it.
I offer an adapter for Line 1 lighters requiring the red capsules and Line 2 lighters (as well as Gatsby) requiring the yellow/gold capsules. If your lighter requires a blue capsule you still need to use the blue capsule as none of our adapters will work with those lighters.
So, instead of spending your money buying refill capsules, save your money and buy another S.T. Dupont!
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